
Showing posts with the label Puerto Rico

3:24 AM 1/22/2020 - On Douglas Leff, the former PR FBI chief and the new Inspector Khlestakov; and also on Julia Keleher and her indictment as the common variety of the very popular ham and cheese sandwich. 

On Douglas Leff , the former PR FBI chief and the new Inspector Khlestakov ; and also on Julia Keleher and her indictment as the common variety of the very popular ham and cheese sandwich. | This Post Link - 3:24 AM 1/22/2020 Post Link - 2:56 AM 1/22/2020 Michael Novakhov shared this story on Douglas Leff and his impending departure from Puerto Rico. Comments:  GOOD RIDDANCE! Take all your poison with you, and swallow it too, according to the Mossad-KGB instructions. New "Inspector General" - Khlestakov. Carcel! Carcel! And Carcel! After the indictment by a Grand Jury as The Ham And A Lot Of Cheese Sandwich, with a lot of PR Mayo-Ketchup. Eat it up boy, und swallow it well! Douglas Leff is removed as the head of the PR FBI Branch , and "will be the deputy director in charge of the Inspection division, which is located in the Edgar Hoover building". - 1.09.20 Does he have anything to do with the recent Earthquakes in Puerto Rico ? They occurred from Ja