
Trump, Putin, and FBI - News Review - 3:11 PM 12/13/2019 | Senate Republicans defend FBI director after Trump lashes out (Dec 11, 2019 16:22)

4  из 4 Рабочая встреча с президентом Республики Татарстан Рустамом Миннихановым. Из альбома к материалу Рабочая встреча с президентом Республики Татарстан Рустамом Миннихановым 13 декабря 2019 года  Набережные Челны _________________________________________________________________ V.P.: "Az (I) am the Devil. (See the drawing on the table).  Come Az (I) onto you - KAMAZ: I am coming onto you (US)".  M.N.: No, you are not. You just want to protect the Devil, by drawing attention and fire to yourself. It would be too simple just to designate you as the Devil Incarnate, and to close the case.  The same with another "suggestion": KAMAZ: Come AZ(I) = Comey: "Comey was the problem", is your answer to the request to help to solve these mysteries, although this request was not addressed to you.  And this line of thought is very much the same as Trump's, and it comes from the same source. No, Comey was not the problem, a