Новый совет Путину: В купель тебя, правитель Омский, чтобы охолонился, пока не остынешь, по настоящему. А отмоешься-то навряд ли: темнее бусурман, и чернее Африканцев! В купель навечно! Окстись!

Фото: vk.com/omsk_vk Фото: ВКонтакте

Новый совет Путину: В купель тебя, правитель Омский, чтобы охолонился, пока не остынешь, по настоящему. А отмоешься-то навряд ли: темнее бусурман, и чернее Африканцев! В купель навечно! Окстись!9:46 AM 1/19/2020 - Post Link 

See Also: 

правитель Омский

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Мундир английский, Погон французский, Табак японский, Правитель омский. Припев: Эх, шарабан мой, Американка, Не будет денег, Возьму продам-ка!
Мундир английский, Погон французский, Табак японский, Правитель омский. Мундир сносился, Погон свалился, Табак скурился, Правитель смылся.
Nov 16, 2019 - В неспособности Колчака занимать должность Верховного правителя были уверены и его собственные министры, и его иностранные ...
Адмирал Колчак: "Мундир английский, погон российский, табак японский, правитель омский". С легкой руки уважаемого мною писателя Валентина ...

На Крещение в омские купели окунулись даже африканцы и мусульмане

Всего отважились смыть грехи в мороз около 14 тысяч местных жителей
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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
Православные курсанты специального факультета Омского автобронетанкового института приняли участие в крещенском купание на реке Иртыш
На Крещение в омские купели окунулись даже африканцы и мусульмане
Fire at Czech Asylum Kills at Least 8 and Injures 30 Others
Putin’s goal is to show how ‘democracy is a kind of a sham’: ‘Citizen K’ Documentary maker Alex Gibney - Raw Story
Не все вопросы по Ливии удалось решить в Москве, заявил Путин - РИА Новости, 19.01.2020
Trump Legal Team Denies Impeachment Charges in First Official Response
Maloy and Putin: "Hello, Hello!"
Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» • Президент России
Встреча с ветеранами Великой Отечественной войны и представителями патриотических объединений • Президент России
Памятные мероприятия по случаю 77-й годовщины прорыва блокады Ленинграда • Президент России
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repentance in judaism, christianity, and islam - Google Search
repentance in judaism, christianity, and islam - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
Православные курсанты специального факультета Омского автобронетанкового института приняли участие в крещенском купание на реке Иртыш

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RSS.

Для проведения купания организаторы оборудовали «иордань», нарастив толщину люда до 70 сантиметров.

На Крещение в омские купели окунулись даже африканцы и мусульмане

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

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Судя по всему, мягкая погода на Крещение в этом году развеяла сомнения даже у тех омичей, которые до последнего сомневались, стоит ли окунаться в прорубь. Вместо традиционных для 19 января лютых морозов в регионе днем было всего минус 3 градуса, и местные жители отправились смывать грехи в проруби. Кстати, в этом году в Омской области можно было окунуться в 46 купелей.

Фото: vk.com/omsk_vk Фото: ВКонтакте
Фото: vk.com/omsk_vkФото: ВКонтакте

Фото: vk.com/omsk_vk Фото: ВКонтакте
Фото: vk.com/omsk_vkФото: ВКонтакте

В Ленинском округе возле купели даже появилась подлодка Омск, вылепленная из снега. Фото: vk.com/club153031056
В Ленинском округе возле купели даже появилась подлодка Омск, вылепленная из снега. Фото: vk.com/club153031056

В 14-м Военном городке можно было посмотреть на танки. Фото: vk.com/club153031056
В 14-м Военном городке можно было посмотреть на танки. Фото: vk.com/club153031056
Несмотря на то, что Роспотребнадзор забраковал воду Иртыша в районе Зеленого острова, там сделали сразу две проруби - одну для обычных горожан, другую для моржей. Очередь из желающих окунуться выстроилась там к 9 утра, последние люди уходили уже затемно.
Тем временем, православная церковь довольно скептически относится к новомодной традиции, появившейся в последнее десятилетие. Но желающих отметить религиозный праздник таким способом это не особо смутило. Вероятно, испытать свои силы в ледяной воде пришли даже те, кто имеют смутное представление о христианстве. Например, в омских пабликах появилось видео, где в прорубь окунаются мужчины со словами «Аллах акбар». Вероятно, мусульмане приобщились в православной традиции, решив, что бог един.

Пятикурснику Аделю Ари Конде теперь будет, о чем рассказать друзьям из Анголы. Фото: omskregion.info
Пятикурснику Аделю Ари Конде теперь будет, о чем рассказать друзьям из Анголы. Фото: omskregion.info
Были и вовсе необычные для русского глаза купальщики - африканцы, которые учатся в Омском автобронетанковом инженерном институте, опробовали сибирскую экзотику на себе. Вероятно, как окунались на морозе в ледяную воду, они будут рассказывать даже своим внукам.

Сделали прорубь и в поселке Павлоградка. Правда, прихожане местного храма в честь Преображения Господня с опаской смотрели на ледяную воду. Фото: vk.com/70tond
Сделали прорубь и в поселке Павлоградка. Правда, прихожане местного храма в честь Преображения Господня с опаской смотрели на ледяную воду. Фото: vk.com/70tond
А вот один из омских аквапарков пригласил горожан смывать грехи в комфортных условиях. Там также прошел обряд освещения воды, которая, к слову, на Крещение считается святой вся.
- Кто хочет погрузиться в воду, наделенную чудодейственными свойствами, но не может это сделать из-за холодов, могут осуществить погружение в аквапарке, - оповещает сайт развлекательного заведения. - Для всех желающих будут работать бассейны в аквазоне и купели в SPA-комплексе. Все они имеют разную глубину и температуры воды - поэтому каждый сможет найти для себя подходящий вариант.
Кроме того, в Омске были открыты еще четыре купели - все в поселке Новая Станица Ленинского округа. Там решили развлечь купающихся выставками военной техники и ретроавтомобилей. Также на территории 14-го Военного городка устроили полевую кухню - горячей кашей кормили всех желающих.
Представилась возможность смыть грехи и заключенным омских колоний - как мужских, так и женских.

Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области
Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области

Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области
Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области

Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области
Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области

Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области
Фото: пресс-служба УФСИН России по Омской области
- С каждым годом число осужденных, желающих окунутся в святую воду, становится все больше, - рассказали в пресс-службе регионального УФСИН. - В прошлом году их было более 300 человек, в этом уже более 500 из которых 12 женщин. На службе присутствовали и те верующие, кто пока не решились окунуться в купель.
Некоторые омичи специально отправились в мистическое Окунево, чтобы окунуться в прорубь в реке Таре.

Некоторые омичи на Крещение отправились в прорубь в Окунево. Фото: vk.com/vokunevo
Некоторые омичи на Крещение отправились в прорубь в Окунево. Фото: vk.com/vokunevo

Отметил Крещение и игрок омского «Авангарда» Сергей Широков. Хоккеист выложил в своем Instagram фото на фоне храма в Казани и поздравил всех подписчиков с православным праздником.

Хоккеист Сергей Широков поздравил болельщиков с праздником. Фото: Instagram
Хоккеист Сергей Широков поздравил болельщиков с праздником. Фото: Instagram
В общей сложности в купели на Крещение в Омской области окунулись около 14 тысяч человек. Возле всех прорубей дежурили медики и спасатели. По счастью, праздник обошелся без происшествий.
Fire at Czech Asylum Kills at Least 8 and Injures 30 Others

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from NYT > World > Europe.

The site where a fire broke out at a home for people with mental disabilities, in Vejprty, Czech Republic, on Sunday.

Putin’s goal is to show how ‘democracy is a kind of a sham’: ‘Citizen K’ Documentary maker Alex Gibney - Raw Story

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Putin" - Google News.

Putin’s goal is to show how ‘democracy is a kind of a sham’: ‘Citizen K’ Documentary maker Alex Gibney  Raw Story
Не все вопросы по Ливии удалось решить в Москве, заявил Путин - РИА Новости, 19.01.2020

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Не все вопросы по Ливии удалось решить в Москве, заявил Путин

Президент РФ Владимир Путин
Президент РФ Владимир Путин. Архивное фото
БЕРЛИН, 19 янв - РИА Новости. Не все вопросы удалось решить на переговорах по Ливии в Москве, одна из сторон заявление пока не поддержала, но необходимо двигаться дальше, заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин.
"Действительно, мы с вами энергично вместе работали над позитивным завершением встречи в Москве конфликтующих сторон. Сам факт того, что они приехали в Москву, провели переговоры не только с нами, но и друг с другом - я думаю, мы должны поблагодарить наших коллег - министров иностранных дел и министров обороны, которые приложили максимальные усилия к тому, чтобы договаривающиеся стороны пришли к согласию и поддержали совместное заявление", - сказал Путин на встрече с президентом Турции Тайипом Эрдоганом.
Путин заявил, что полномасштабные военные действия в Ливии прекращены
"Действительно, не все удалось, одна из сторон заявления – пока, во всяком случае - не поддержала, но мы не теряем надежды, что диалог будет продолжен и мы будем стремиться искренне к тому, чтобы конфликт был разрешен", - подчеркнул Путин.
Берлинская конференция пройдет после межливийских переговоров в Москве с участием представителей РФ и Турции. Глава Ливийской национальной армии (ЛНА) маршал Халифа Хафтар покинул Москву, не подписав соглашение о перемирии с триполийским правительством премьер-министра ПНС Файеза Сарраджа. Делегация ПНС подписала соглашение, после чего отправилась в Стамбул.
Trump Legal Team Denies Impeachment Charges in First Official Response

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s legal defense team forcefully denied on Saturday that he abused his power by pressuring a foreign government to investigate his political rivals, calling the two impeachment charges against him a “brazen and unlawful” attempt to hurt his chances of re-election.
The defiant rejection of the accusations came in response to an official summons issued last week by the Senate, notifying Mr. Trump that he faces removal from office if he is convicted. In a six-page letter, Mr. Trump’s first formal response to the charges against him, his lawyers denounced the impeachment case brought by House Democrats as constitutionally and legally invalid, and driven by malice toward him.
“The articles of impeachment submitted by House Democrats are a dangerous attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president,” the document says. “This is a brazen and unlawful attempt to overturn the results of the 2016 election and interfere with the 2020 election, now just months away.”
The president’s lawyers did not deny any of the core facts underlying Democrats’ charges, conceding what ample evidence has shown, that he withheld $391 million in aid from Ukraine and asked the country’s president to investigate former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his son, Hunter. But they said Mr. Trump broke no laws and was acting entirely appropriately and within his powers when he did so, echoing the president’s repeated protestations of his own innocence. They argued that Mr. Trump was not seeking political advantage, but working to root out corruption in Ukraine.
“President Trump categorically and unequivocally denies each and every allegation in both articles of impeachment,” Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, and Jay Sekulow, Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, wrote.
Mr. Trump’s response came shortly after the House impeachment managers formally outlined their case for Mr. Trump’s removal from office, arguing in a lengthy legal filing that the Senate should convict him for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
In the 46-page trial memorandum, the House impeachment managers asserted that beginning in the spring, Mr. Trump undertook a corrupt campaign to push Ukraine to publicly announce investigations of his political rivals, withholding as leverage nearly $400 million in military aid and a White House meeting. He then sought to conceal those actions from Congress, they said, refusing to cooperate with a House impeachment inquiry and ordering administration officials not to testify or turn over documents requested by investigators.
“President Trump’s conduct is the framers’ worst nightmare,” the managers wrote, framing their argument in constitutional terms.
The legal back-and-forth on Saturday offered a preview of the strategies both sides will employ starting next week, when the Senate opens oral arguments in only the third impeachment trial of a president in the nation’s history.
Addressing head-on the political dynamics of the Senate, where majority Republicans have denounced the impeachment inquiry, the House managers warned that voters and future generations would sit in judgment of their actions.
“History will judge each senator’s willingness to rise above partisan differences, view the facts honestly, and defend the Constitution,” they wrote. “The outcome of these proceedings will determine whether generations to come will enjoy a safe and secure democracy in which the president is not a king.”
The filing from the House Democrats repeated many of the same arguments they laid out last fall in a report on the findings of their impeachment inquiry. But the managers’ brief provided a glimpse of their strategy for the high-stakes legal and political fight ahead.
The heavily footnoted document, formatted in the style of a courtroom filing, was headlined “In re Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump,” and addressed to the Senate, “sitting as a court of impeachment.” The memorandum laid out the evidence and legal arguments the managers intend to present in oral arguments on the floor of the Senate, likely beginning on Wednesday. The filing also included an additional 60 pages of facts the managers deemed material to their case.
As they have said for weeks, the president’s lawyers asserted in Saturday’s short filing that the articles of impeachment against Mr. Trump are “invalid on their face” because they do not accuse the president of breaking the law.
In Saturday’s document, the president’s legal team also rejected the charge that Mr. Trump is guilty of obstruction of Congress. They argued that Mr. Trump’s attempts to prevent witnesses from testifying in what the president has called a “sham” impeachment inquiry is a legitimate exercise of executive privilege that is essential to guard the authority and prerogatives of the presidency.
And they once again attacked the process by which House Democrats impeached Mr. Trump, accusing them of denying the president his due process rights.
The president’s legal team faces a deadline of noon on Monday to produce a more comprehensive legal brief laying out the defense case they will make on the floor of the Senate.
Mr. Cipollone and Mr. Sekulow will lead the president’s defense at trial. The White House announced Friday that the team will also include Ken Starr, the former independent counsel whose investigation of President Bill Clinton led to his impeachment, Robert W. Ray, who succeeded Mr. Starr, and Alan Dershowitz, a celebrity defense lawyer.
Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.
Maloy and Putin: "Hello, Hello!"

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The FBI News Review - fbinewsreview.blogspot.com - Blog by Michael Novakhov.

"Hello, Maloy in Blue! Play Hockey und you're O.K.! But if you play (geopolitical) CHESS, you are zi real Grandmaster, just like your Big Dadya (Uncle) Vova. Learn from the best, and never mind the rest!" 

Post Link - 11:50 AM 1/18/2020

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Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» • Президент России
Встреча с ветеранами Великой Отечественной войны и представителями патриотических объединений • Президент России
Памятные мероприятия по случаю 77-й годовщины прорыва блокады Ленинграда • Президент России
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chief justice roberts - Google Search
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repentance in islam - Google Search
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repentance in judaism, christianity, and islam - Google Search
repentance in judaism, christianity, and islam - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» • Президент России

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну»

Владимир Путин посетил комплекс историко-художественных трёхмерных панорам «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» на Васильевском острове Санкт-Петербурга.
Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» • Президент России

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Осмотр панорамы «Память говорит. Дорога через войну»

Владимир Путин посетил комплекс историко-художественных трёхмерных панорам «Память говорит. Дорога через войну» на Васильевском острове Санкт-Петербурга.
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Встреча с ветеранами Великой Отечественной войны и представителями патриотических объединений • Президент России

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Встреча с ветеранами Великой Отечественной войны и представителями патриотических объединений

В ходе посещения Государственного мемориального музея обороны и блокады Ленинграда глава государства встретился с ветеранами Великой Отечественной войны и представителями общественных патриотических объединений.
7 фотографий
Памятные мероприятия по случаю 77-й годовщины прорыва блокады Ленинграда • Президент России

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Памятные мероприятия по случаю 77-й годовщины прорыва блокады Ленинграда

В день 77-летия прорыва блокады Ленинграда Владимир Путин принимает участие в памятных мероприятиях, приуроченных к годовщине.
Ленинградская область, Санкт-Петербург
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repentance in judaism, christianity, and islam - Google Search

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Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

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Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

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Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

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Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Today's Russia is ruled by Putin Hockey Team: Dyumin, Mishustin, Vorobyov, with the gray cardinal Surkov in the background as the Puppet Master, and by no one else. Understood? - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story .

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
Православные курсанты специального факультета Омского автобронетанкового института приняли участие в крещенском купание на реке Иртыш

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Для проведения купания организаторы оборудовали «иордань», нарастив толщину люда до 70 сантиметров.

Selected and Editorial Posts


Image result for Rightist wing of the GOP
The real Coup was in 2016, and it was performed by the corrupt, pro neo-Nazi oriented, Abwehr bought and subverted, the Rightist wing of the GOP, the Broidy-Manafort ring in its latest reincarnation; and by the other alumni of the Abwehr Law School, a.k.a. Roy Cohn’s Law Firm: Little Duce Giuliani, “dirty trickster” Roger Stone, and their circles, climbing and clawing their ways to Power and Money. And apparently, some officers of the New York Branch of the FBI were their ideological and operational “stormtroopers”. Search the Anthony Weiner sexting affair scandal as FBI operation, much under-researched, under-investigated, and under-publicized. 
If only a part of all these legitimate and well based suspicions and accusations against the New York branch of the FBI are proven or sufficiently demonstrated, this question would be quite legitimate: Was at least a part of the NY FBI branch corrupt, rotten, in Trump’s pocket, and under possible influences of the foreign agents? 

Investigate the “STORMTROOPERS” – the alleged “pro-Trumpists” within the NY branch of the FBI, and look into the general health of the whole branch. 

Investigate James Kallstrom and others! 

Investigate the Abwehr – Roy Cohn Law School and all its “graduates”. 

Investigate the political corruption in both parties. Investigate the corruption and failures within the FBI, and their root causes. The proof is in the pudding, sadly but undeniably. 

Michael Novakhov | 7:38 AM 11/26/2019 – Post Link
Image result for psychoanalysis of intelligence operations

Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations – 11.17.19

Intelligence Operations — Central Intelligence Agency
(PDF) The Role of Psychoanalytic Knowledge in CIA’s ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA Documents During the Years 1947-1963: Use and Misuse of Psychoanalytic Techniques
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Category:Intelligence operations – Wikipedia
Category:Intelligence operations by type – Wikipedia
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Check out C-SPAN’s Impeachment Inquiry Page: https://www.c-span.org/impeachment | 
Post Link | C-SPAN has launched a new web page, c-span.org/impeachment, devoted to Congress’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The goal is to provide one-stop shopping for all of C-SPAN’s coverage of the inquiry, including the latest Hill tweets, various news conferences and hearings, and the Trump Administration’s response. 
» Saved Stories – None: C-SPAN Launches Impeachment Coverage Page
22/10/19 07:34 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
C-SPAN has launched a new web page, c-span.org/ impeachment , devoted to Congress’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The goal … Saved Stories – None

Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ In 25 Posts

» Saved Stories - None: Trump and Greta Thunberg to face off as Davos warms to climate action
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Key European figures present will be EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen and German Chancellor Angela Merkel , who may only serve to ... Saved Stories - None
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From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 02:04 Laurence Tribe tells Lawrence O’Donnell that after hearing the new evidence revealed by Lev Parnas, the Senate trial must have witnesses because senators are not “free to take a solemn oath to do im...
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From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 04:48 Rachel Maddow explains to Lawrence O’Donnell that Lev Parnas, during his interview with her, helped add a number of top Trump officials to the Senate impeachment trial witness list, including John B...
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . 846 × 571 Collections Get help Send feedback The Trump Investigations [PDF] The New Abwehr and Operation Trump - by Michael Novakhov ... Images may be subject to copyright.   Learn More Image credits ...
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TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE: This is the beginning of the end of the abuse of the Constitution. The Senate will provide a fair trial for @realDonaldTrump. #impeachment #ArticlesOfImpeachment #ImpeachmentTrial #senate #SenateImpeachmentTrial p...
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Ukrainian leaders have repeatedly rejected that there was any kind of pushing or pressure. But the mainstream press would rather run with ridiculous allegations from a man under indictment. twitter.com/thehill/status… Vadym Prystaiko, Fo...
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» Saved Stories - None: CBSNewsOnline's YouTube Videos: What to expect next week in Trump's Senate impeachment trial
17/01/20 01:12 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: CBSNewsOnline Duration: 06:10 President Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate will formally begin next week. CBS News' Natalie Brand joined CBSN's "Red and Blue" from Capitol Hill with what to expect from the trial. CBSNewsOnline...
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: News Wrap: Trump moves to give religious groups easier access to federal programs
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From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 04:24 In our news wrap Thursday, President Trump moved to give religious groups easier access to federal programs -- and to reaffirm the right to pray in public schools. Nine Cabinet departments proposed rules...
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» Saved Stories - None: Bill Barr’s DOJ appears to be investigating Comey for a years-old leak — after Trump demanded it - AlterNet
16/01/20 21:27 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Bill Barr’s DOJ appears to be investigating Comey for a years-old leak — after Trump demanded it    AlterNet Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Saved Stories - Trump Investigations: "Donald Trump" - Google News: Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump officially begins - CNN
16/01/20 21:25 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump officially begins    CNN "Donald Trump" - Google News Saved Stories - Trump Investigations Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Prosecutors investigating intelligence analysts is a dangerous idea
16/01/20 21:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
We have served in the intelligence community , in analytical, managerial ... to help Donald Trump win, but that the National Security Agency had only ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Barr's 'investigation of investigators': Prosecutors investigating intelligence analysts is a dangerous idea
16/01/20 21:24 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
John Durham, the federal prosecutor chosen by Attorney General William P. Barr to examine the origins of the Russia investigation , is reportedly ... Google Alert - Barr's 'investigation of investigators' Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Prosecutors investigating intelligence analysts is a dangerous idea - The Washington Post
16/01/20 21:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Prosecutors investigating intelligence analysts is a dangerous idea    The Washington Post Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "Donald Trump" - Google News: Spoiler Alert: There Will Be No Impartial Justice in Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial - The New Yorker
16/01/20 21:22 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Spoiler Alert: There Will Be No Impartial Justice in Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial    The New Yorker Senate opens impeachment trial against President Trump: Chief Justice John Roberts sworn in    USA TODAY Trump sh...
» Saved Stories - None: "Trump digital operations" - Google News: Trump is sending NATO east – the Middle East - Modern Diplomacy
16/01/20 21:20 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
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» Saved Stories - None: With his constitutional 'reform,' Putin follows a familiar playbook to extend autocratic rule
16/01/20 21:19 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
That caught the eye of President Trump , who was presumed to be speaking in jest when he told a private fundraiser soon afterward that it was a ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Politics: Impeachment trial will test Democratic senators with higher ambitions
16/01/20 21:19 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Two front-runners — Sanders and Warren — will be forced to abandon Iowa for Washington, while Biden and Buttigieg will campaign in their absence. Politics Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Chief Justice John Roberts Swears In For Trump Impeachment Trial | MSNBC
16/01/20 20:49 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 01:58 Chief Justice John Roberts swears in for the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, saying he will “solemnly swear” to “do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.” Aired on 1...
» Saved Stories - None: msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Chief Justice John Roberts Swears In Senators For Trump Impeachment Trial | MSNBC
16/01/20 20:47 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 00:52 Chief Justice John Roberts swears in senators for the impeachment trial of President Trump after being sworn in to preside over the trial. Aired on 1/16/20. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com...
» Saved Stories - None: Donald Trump | The Guardian: Who is Lev Parnas? Soviet-born operator thrust into Trump impeachment scandal
16/01/20 19:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
The Giuliani associate insisted the president ‘knew exactly what was going on’ in Ukraine – but is he just trying to save his skin? Has he delivered the most devastating blow yet to Donald Trump’s defence? Or is he merely a desperate man...
» Saved Stories - None: PBSNewsHour's YouTube Videos: WATCH: Chief Justice Roberts swears in senators ahead of Trump impeachment trial
16/01/20 19:00 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: PBSNewsHour Duration: 24:00 Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG Find more from PBS NewsHour at https://www.pbs.org/newshour Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/2HfsCD6 Follow us: Face...
» Saved Stories - None: .@SenSchumer news conference - LIVE online here: https://cs.pn/36YVVDu pic.twitter.com/O0BqheiFj3
16/01/20 18:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
. @ SenSchumer news conference - LIVE online here: https://cs.pn/36YVVDu  pic.twitter.com/O0BqheiFj3 Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Chief Justice John Roberts sworn in to preside over impeachment trial
16/01/20 18:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
From: FoxNewsChannel Duration: 02:13 Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts swears in Senators as jurors for impeachment trial. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, F...
» Saved Stories - None: Intelligence Officials Invited to Testify to House Amid Uncertainty
16/01/20 18:57 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
As intelligence agency staff members have negotiated with House and ... the kind of cable television news clips that aggravated Mr. Trump last year. Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Sordid Story of Impeachment
16/01/20 18:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
When experts write about impeachment , they tend to spend a lot of time on the Founding. What did the Founders mean by the words “high crimes and ... Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu: Why Democrats are leaving out Israel while debating the Mideast
16/01/20 18:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Israel, because of the very tight and highly visible relationship between Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , has turned into a partisan ... Google Alert - Benjamin Netanyahu Saved Stories - None
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» Saved Stories - None: Donald Ritchie, Historian Emeritus of the U.S. Senate: "If you remove the President, the person who is going to benefit is the Vice President. That's the reason why the Chief Justice rather than the Vice President presides."pic.twitt
16/01/20 15:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Donald Ritchie, Historian Emeritus of the U.S. Senate: "If you remove the President, the person who is going to benefit is the Vice President. That's the reason why the Chief Justice rather than the Vice President presides." pic.twitter....
» Saved Stories - None: Trump Stays Up All Night with Sharpie Crossing Out Lev Parnas in Photos with Him - The New Yorker
16/01/20 15:05 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Trump Stays Up All Night with Sharpie Crossing Out Lev Parnas in Photos with Him    The New Yorker Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: "morell on trump" - Google News: Senate opens Trump impeachment trial | TheHill - The Hill
16/01/20 15:04 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Senate opens Trump impeachment trial | TheHill    The Hill "morell on trump" - Google News Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Chief Justice Roberts is sworn in by President Pro Tempore Senator Grassley for Senate Impeachment Trial.Full video: https://cs.pn/2QZFrFR pic.twitter.com/tMrKjMEpZD
16/01/20 14:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Chief Justice Roberts is sworn in by President Pro Tempore Senator Grassley for Senate Impeachment Trial. Full video: https://cs.pn/2QZFrFR  pic.twitter.com/tMrKjMEpZD Saved Stories - None
» Saved Stories - None: Chief Justice: "Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and
16/01/20 14:56 from Saved Stories from Michael_Novakhov (1 sites)
Chief Justice: "Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws...


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