"fbi criticism" - Google News: Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis - The New York Times

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January 21, 2019
"fbi criticism" - Google News: Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis - The New York Times
"fbi criticism" - Google News: Angela Davis, former fugitive needed by FBI, to supply MLK Day lecture - Infosurhoy
Media bias seen in BuzzFeed and AG nominee Barr news coverage - Fox News
Ambrose: FBI, probe thyself - Boston Herald
Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): "political crimes" - Google News: Polish mayor's funeral marred by Tusk TV dispute - EUobserver

"fbi criticism" - Google News: Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis - The New York Times

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
OpinionIn 2012, during one of Israel’s periodic wars with Hamas in Gaza, Ilhan Omar, at the time a 32-year-old nutrition coordinator with the Minnesota Department of Education, tweeted the following: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.
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"fbi criticism" - Google News: Angela Davis, former fugitive needed by FBI, to supply MLK Day lecture - Infosurhoy

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
Angela Davis, an activist who gained notoriety in the 1960s and 70s while working with the Communist Party USA and the Black Panther Party and whose involvement in the armed takeover of a California courtroom resulted in four deaths, will be a featured speaker next week at a Martin Luther King Jr.
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Media bias seen in BuzzFeed and AG nominee Barr news coverage - Fox News

Fox News
Former senior investigative counsel on the House Oversight and Reform Committee Chris Staszak says Republicans and Democrats should both be concerned about the potential of leaks in the Mueller investigation.
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Ambrose: FBI, probe thyself - Boston Herald

Boston Herald
We’ve long known, haven’t we, that federal bureaucrats increasingly run the American show. But did we expect an FBI investigation that stepped out of bounds to see if our president was a Russian agent?
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Crime and Criminology from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): "political crimes" - Google News: Polish mayor's funeral marred by Tusk TV dispute - EUobserver

FBI from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)
Poland has buried the liberal mayor of Gdansk, Pawel Adamowicz, amid questions as to what extent Polish hate politics contributed to his killing. The funeral took place at the Bazylika Mariacka in Gdansk on Saturday (19 January) - declared a national day of mourning after he was stabbed to death at a charity gala one week ago.
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